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Salmon BBQ Thank You

August 31, 2012

The Salmon Barbeque raised over $3,000 towards our Building Fund!  Our grateful thanks go to all those who donated or purchased items for the dessert and silent auctions. Thank you to Jerry and Norma Bingham and Amy, Ava and Lia Stamatiou, Cyndi Nielsen, Peter and April Nielsen! Again this year, we thank our generous salmon preparers—Terry and Peggy Ostergaard, Dave and Chris Ostergaard, Erik and Nadine Ostergaard.  Thank you for making this a wonderful family tradition!  We also thank Micah Nielsen and Malcolm Grazier for their assistance!  Thank you Lynda Elwood for once more coordinating the set up and all who pitched in to help with set up and clean up!   Thank you also to the Bell Choir and Clara Griffin for blessing our worship with great music! We do know how to celebrate in style here at Trinity! 
