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Hybrid Worship at Trinity

December 3, 2023

Trinity worship is in-person in the sanctuary and via our YouTube page Trinity Lutheran Everett Music. Worship is live streamed at 10:00 am, and you can also view it after that time.

One of the ways we care for one another as a worshiping community is through careful attention to decreasing risk factors for airborne illnesses. Masks remain mandatory in the sanctuary so that medically vulnerable people are able to worship in person. We ensure that airflow brings fresh air into the sanctuary. When there is a surge in local COVID infection rates, every other pew is marked off to increase physical distance. If you are sick or believe you may be contagious, you are encouraged to worship remotely through the YouTube livecast or video. In these ways, our ministry of hospitality and welcome and our care for the concrete needs of our neighbors shows in how we gather for worship.

For any questions, please contact the church office or Pastor Tim.
