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Food and Craft Festival Success

December 14, 2011

Food and Craft Festival is once again a Success

The 2011 Food and Craft Festival raised approximately $5300.  The dollar amount doesn’t tell the whole story, however.  The real success of this fundraiser is measured in the efforts made by so many of you, both members of the congregation, and those non-members who enjoy supporting this project. 

On the Sunday prior to the sale, a number of people helped set up the tables and empty the closet of stored things.  On Monday morning at 9:00 am lots of helpers arrived to prepare the rooms, which continued until Thursday.  Friday morning the doors opened at 10:00, and the people of Trinity welcomed shoppers.  Lunch and pie were served with a smile.  On Saturday shoppers arrived to coffee cake and a taco soup lunch.  After the coffee hour on Sunday, the dismantling began.  By Monday at noon, the basement was again ready for use by the 12 step groups.

I thank each of you for the role you played in this successful  event.  We can all be proud of the outreach to our community and the fellowship we shared.

Watch for a meeting date in January to make decisions on which benevolences to support and which church projects we can assist.

            Lynda Elwood, WELCA President
