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Christmas Baskets

November 21, 2014

Christmas Baskets 2014

Saturday, December 20th,  9 am in the basement
All are invited to join in as we pack and hand out the baskets

There are many ways to contribute to our Christmas Basket families!
Opportunities to give: 
-Sponsor a family with food.
-Sponsor the children in a family for gifts. Shop and have the gifts wrapped and to the church by Monday, Dec. 15th.
-Sponsor a family together with friends or fellow worshippers for gifts, food or both
-Bake/donate cookies (see sign up sheet in the Fireside Rm.)
-Donate money for Christmas Gifts for the children  
-Donate used/unwanted Christmas decorations
How you can help:
-Be an Angel Shopper for the food and gifts; helping others who aren’t able to get out and

Be here on Saturday, December 20th to:
-Help fill soup recipe jars for the families               -Help fill the bags with produce  
-Help make cookie trays for families                      -Help assemble items for the Seniors/Disable
-Help assemble and hand out the Christmas
