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Carol Grams

November 21, 2014

Carol Grams
The choir will be singing Christmas carols to homes in the community by your request!
Donate $10 to the music ministry fund, and we will sing at anyone's home-friend, family, neighbor, or anyone just needing some Christmas cheer. Members of the congregation are welcome to join us for singing these very fun and familiar carols. Please let Holly know if you’re planning on joining in to carol. We will meet at the church on the following dates and times:
Sunday, December 14 & 21 at 1:00pm
Monday, December 15 & 22 at 5:00pm
Carol Gram forms are available on Sundays. Give your completed form and money to either Holly or the church office by Sunday, December 7.
If you have any questions call or email Holly at 805-444-6559 or
