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Bells & Choir Rehearsals Have Begun!

October 2, 2013

Bells and Choir rehearsals have begun.  They meet on Wednesdays - Bells 6:00 pm, Choir 7:15 pm in the sanctuary. Everyone is welcome. No experience necessary. You don't even need to be able to read music. If you have ever listened to the Bells or Choir and thought, "wow, that sounds so beautiful, I wish I could do something like that," then you are in luck! Give Choir or Bells a try! Come and join a group of people who love to sing and praise our Lord.  Special Music is also needed! Please let Holly know if you would be willing to share your musical talents with the church one Sunday.  For questions about joining Bells or Choir or if you would like to provide special music you can contact Holly on her cell phone at 805-444-6559 or at
